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About to ICASA 2025

2025 International Conference on Aerospace Science and Astronomy (ICASA 2025) was grandly held in the picturesque Dali this year. This conference brings together aerospace scientists, astronomers, and researchers from around the world to discuss the latest developments and future trends in the fields of aerospace science and astronomy. Dali, with its magnificent natural landscapes and profound cultural heritage, provides the perfect stage for this important academic exchange. During the conference, a series of exciting keynote speeches and discussion sessions were held, covering various aspects from satellite technology innovation to deep space exploration missions, as well as new discoveries and theoretical breakthroughs in the mysteries of the universe. The specially established thematic seminar focuses on how to use modern technology to solve practical problems in aerospace engineering, as well as exploring the challenges and opportunities encountered in astronomical research. In addition, the conference also specially arranged a forum for young scholars, aimed at encouraging and supporting the growth and development of the next generation of scientific research talents. Through this grand event, participants not only shared their research findings, but also had in-depth discussions on the possibility of interdisciplinary collaboration, promoting understanding and cooperation between different cultures and backgrounds. The successful hosting of ICASA 2025 not only strengthens the connection between the international aerospace science and astronomy community, but also lays a solid foundation for future scientific cooperation and technological progress. With the successful conclusion of the conference, we look forward to these innovative ideas being transformed into driving forces for industry development and opening a new chapter in human exploration of the universe.

  • 2025-03-20-Submission Deadline
  • 2025-03-31-Registration Deadline
  • 2025-04-05-Conference Date
  • About a week after the submission-Notification Date

All full paper submissions to the ICASA 2025 could be written in English and will be sent to at least two reviewers and evaluated based on originality, technical or research content or depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. All accepted papers of ICASA 2025 will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.

Paper template

Please refer to the paper template for layout

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All attendees must register in advance to attend the meeting

Consulting service

Please submit the full text/abstract of the paper to us through the electronic submission system

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Call For Papers

Some topics are listed:

Aerospace Science: Aerospace Science and Technology Circuits and Systems Progress in Aerospace Aviation Electronic Engineering Vacuum Electronic Technology automatic control system Rocket Theory and Design Navigation and precise positioning Navigation Guidance and Control Analog and digital circuits Mechatronics system Electrical and Electronic Technology Communication Systems and Technologies Development in Control New Space Communication Technologies astronomy: Celestial mechanics Astrophysics Astrobiology Galaxy and Cosmology Stars and Interstellar Physics Black holes and dense celestial bodies Gravitational waves and high-energy astronomy Solar System and Planetary Science Astronomical Telescope and Observation Technology

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Submission Portal

Mail Address: icasa@sub-paper.com

If you have any questions or need any help about the conference, please feel free to contact our conference experts on the right:





About Plagiarism Check

Crosscheck Powered by iThenticate will be used for plagiarism check. The amount of duplication from previously published content should be less than 20%; If the amount of duplication is 20% - 35%, modification maybe required; if the amount of duplication exceeds 35%, the article will be rejected. Please note that there will be no refund for no-shows.

Indexing Service

Technical Sponsor

Call for Reviewers

As a platform for global academic communication, the quality of conference publication has always an aspect attracting much of our attention. To ensure quality of our publication and to better serve the peers in academic circle, we now call for reviewers among professionals and experts of the world. Professionals and experts who hold PhD (doctoral) degree in the conference related areas are encouraged to join in us and together, we will work hard to become a world-class academic conference. Please send us your CV by email (icasa@sub-paper.com) if you are interested in it.

SCI Journal

Contributors are encouraged to submit papers / abstracts to the conference. The organizing committee will select high-quality papers and recommend them to SCI/SSCI journals. For specific matters, please contact the person in charge of the conferrence.

Submission Guidelines

Delegates are encouraged to submit their papers/abstracts to the conference. Good quality papers will be selected by the organizing committee and Prof. Soteris Kalogirou, the editor in chief. After it, the authors will be invited to extent their papers/abstracts and submit them to icasa@sub-paper.com. The normal size of research papers is 4,000-6,000 words excluding abstract and references.