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Conference Committee

Prof. Antonio De Maio, IEEE Fellow, University of Naples Federico II, Italy image.png Prof. George Z.H. Zhu, FASME, SMIEEE, York University, Canada Prof. Chinthaka Premachandra, IEEE Senior Member, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan Prof. Ramesh Agarwal ASME Fellow, IEEE Fellow Washington University in St. Louis Campus, USA Prof. Charlie Yang University of Liverpool, UK Asst. Prof.Weiyong Si University of Essex, UK Assoc. Prof. Azmah Hanim Mohamed Ariff Universiti Putra Malaysia,Malaysia

Mohd Arif Agam, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia Mellouki imene, University of Tunis, Tunisia Fausto A. Zuleta Montoya, Metropolitan Technological Institute (ITM), Colombia P. K. Dash,AMC Engineering College, India Wafae HALIM,Université du Maine, French Assitant Prof. Ibrahim Abdelfadeel, United Arab Emirates University, The United Arab Emirate Dr. Fidele Moupfoumak, Transport Canada- Federal Minister of Transports, Canada Dr. Shahzad Ashraf, Professor, NFC Institute of Engineering and Technology, Multan Pakistan

Program Committee

International Technical Committee

Prof. Akash Saxena (IEEE Senior Member), Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh, India Assoc. Prof. Anwar P P Abdul Majeed (IEEE Senior Member), Sunway University, Malaysia Lecturer. Fazila Mohd Zawawi, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia Prof. Ozgur Koray, Biruni University, Turkey Prof. Sandeep Saxena, IMS Unison University, India Prof. Hossein Hosseinkhani, Innovation Center for Advanced technology, Matrix, Inc. Canada

Submission Portal

Mail Address: icasa@sub-paper.com

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